Jewelry Care

Please read the jewelry’s description so you know what material it’s made of. This is important especially if you have very sensitive skin and cannot wear certain metals. At MARA AMAR, we use various metals and sometimes combine them. We also use unknown jewelry charms that we have thrifted and are unsure of the metal type. Our jewelry findings consist of either nickle-free 18kt gold plated over brass, nickle-free silver plated over brass, tarnish-resistant wire, and unknown metals. Please avoid wetting your jewelry so it has a longer lifespan. Although our tarnish-resistant wire has proven to be tarnish-resistant, avoid wetting it especially if it’s combined with unknown metals.

General care

  1. KEEP IT DRY. DO NOT WET. Keep jewelry away from household cleaners and chlorine.
  2. When not wearing your jewelry, store each piece in its own soft fabric bag.
  3. Keep in a dark place. This reduces tarnish, keeps softer metals from being scratched, and preserves jewelry longer.
  4. Always handle your jewelry gently with care.
  5. Rewear, Repair (send it to us), and ReLOVE.


By following these simple guidelines, your jewelry will last much longer.


Remember, be one of a kind and kind to the planet - MARA